
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Few Photos From Africa

I've never seen such a vivid flower! (Zambia)
I was waiting for the bus, and noticed the above two flowers.(Zambia)
Reserve in Botswana

It's taking me forever to get my (literally thousands of) Africa photo's organized!!There's a bunch of (basically) the same photo, and a bunch of miss shots. (My foot, a random person, a blur.)

Reserve in Botswana
Oh, and as a side note. At some point prints of select photos will be available to purchase. A (undermentioned) percentage of the profit will go towards a (yet undetermined) African organization. The rest of the profit will go towards my college tuition.

The leopard kindly posed for us. (Botswana)

Can you spot the tiny elephants?


  1. Awesome pictures! And do you have a website now?

    1. It's not set up, but I own the domain. :) I might get the thing finished over Christmas break, I'm to busy now.

